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Doctor Who: Monthly Range 1&2 Reviews

I realised that these have yet to be added to site so here we are a with a double review!

Monthly Range 1: The Sirens Of Time Review:

For the first in a long line of adventures I was pleasantly surprised with the quality of this story.

With that being said, starting with a classic style multi Doctor story is something I’m not that happy with.

Unlike more recent iterations of these tales this version takes a note out of the Five Doctors book by featuring the multiple Doctors around each other as little as possible although I will say that their individual parts leading up to their inevitable meeting were fun mini-ventures.

It’s unfortunate then that the bulk of the last part is just exposition but the banter between Doctors, whilst brief, is a joy to listen to.

The three more than prove that their time in the role is far from over and as a starting point to future adventures, listening to their portrayals alone makes me excited for what lies ahead even if this pilot story isn’t the best.


Main Range 2 - Phantasmagoria Review:

Another example of a story that takes a bit too long to get going although Peter Davison’s performance did pull me through to the end.

Something about a no nonsense Doctor against an over the top villain made for an entertains hour and a half.

Unfortunately for the listener it doesn’t take too long to figure out what’s going on and leaves the remaining parts for the Doctor to catch up making certain encounters a bit awkward.

With that being said the final part can’t be denied as a fun traditional romp with the Fifth Doctor and that was enough for me.


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